I'm 33, bitches! Holla at your girl!
- Clean house. Leaving to Marco Island for the weekend.
- Pick up father for colonoscopy -his, not mine.
- Go to mall. Buy some stuff -dress and two tops at Zara (on sale, but super cute -was wearing an awesome VS pushup bra, which makes anything look better), Sephora lipgloss #14, and this bag.
Seems like lots of stuff, but the selection everywhere was, eh.
- Pick up my dad and drop him off at home.
- Go home, change, pack, get Whitey ready for trip, feel guilty for leaving other dogs at home.
- Happy to see J bought me my favorite cake. Carvel. Happy Birthday Princess.
- Go to Marco Island, drop off Whitey at the house, go to Tokyo Inn, faux Samurai/Benihana.
- My sister and her boyfriend walk into Tokyo Inn! What a surprise. Not expected. Join us for dinner. Fun times.
- Go to Publix to buy J painkillers -no ibuprofen allowed! Allergic. So I get Aleve, a magazine, and a book.
- Go home. Sing Happy Birthday. Eat lots of cake.
- Watch What Not to Wear. J is itchy and starts breaking out in hives. Allergic to Aleve. Poo.
- Go to sleep.
- Whitey barks incessantly from his cage in the garage.
Saturday, Day Deux
- J tells me he's taking Whitey back home. 3 hour drive, there and back, total.
- Eat breakfast.
- Sunbathe by pool with L, my baby sis. Feels good to be in a bikini. Despite major pooch.
- Catch up and talk shit with L.
- J returns.
- L mentions wanting to go to the outlets -specifically the Nike outlet.
- Count me in, duh.
- Go to outlets -J goes, too -despite pathological aversion to malls.
- Buy J new sneakers, socks, Nike t's. Buy myself new running shoes (running my fat ass round the block tomorrow). NOTHING TO BUY! Not at JCrew, not at BCBG, Not at Banana Republic. NOWHERE! Manage to find a cute belt, headband, and semi-fancy flipflops at the Gap.
- Go home.
- Stop at yummy pizza place. L has a craving for Subway. Goes to Subway while we watch game at pizza place. Comes back cranky and empty handed. No sub. Eats with us. Last to order, first to be served.
- Go home. Chill with parents who just made it to Marco from Miami. Watch TV. Read magazines.
- Take shower.
- Go see Gran Torino. Originally wanted to see Bride Wars. But majority wanted to see Clint Eastwood flick. No big.
- Awesome movie. Cried. Felt it.
- Went home.
- Read a little before falling asleep.
Sunday, Oh no! It's Almost Over
- L and boyfriend leave.
- Go to breakfast with parents.
- Eat delicious crepes. Yum.
- Go for a drive.
- Return to house. J watches game. Go to get a pedicure.
- Ugh. Cost me $30 bucks. Guilted into it. Not even the color I wanted. Cried when I got home for not running away the minute I stepped in the salon door. Super expensive, not worth it. The only glitch in the weekend.
- Got some sun by the pool.
- Read a book.
- Got ready to come back home.
- Stopped at grocery store and Chinese restaurant for takeout.
- Came home.
- Ate myself into a coma. To be fair, this was true for EVERYDAY. I did not deny myself anything.
I really had a great weekend -minus the pedicure debacle. So Happy Birthday to me!
Happy birthday!
Fabulously Broke in the City
"Just a girl trying to find a balance between being a Shopaholic and a Saver."
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