Friday, January 30, 2009

This Would Be Funny, If It Weren't Kinda Sad

Let's just start off by saying that I woke up feeling much better today. Although I slept like crappola last night, and I completely dreaded getting out of bed, I was pleasantly surprised by how much better my body felt this morning once I did get out of bed. Good thing, too. Because it's such a mission to leave work early -or (gasp!) call in sick, epecially on a test day, I try to miss as little work as possible. My new dream job is one where I can call in sick and not spend the day worrying about all the work I have to catch up on when I get back.

Anyway, as you know, I'm an elementary teacher. I teach second grade, and I spend the day surrounded by really precocious, and sometimes incredibly annoying, seven year olds. So, as you can imagine, I have calendars all over my room. It's funny how little kids have absolutely no concept of time. Hours, days, months, years -are all the same to them. And that's pretty cute and endearing. Especially when they're arguing about Valentine's Day. Did you know Valentine's Day is February 13th? At least they were close.

So, because today is the 30th, and Monday is the beginning (in school days) of a new month, I changed all my calendars this morning. As I was changing my desk calendar, I noticed the date I had marked my last period -December 22nd.

Hmmm. That's odd. I didn't mark the date of my period in January.

Hey! Hold the phone! That's OVER a month ago! Hot damn! Could I be? Really? Could I be....


I racked my brain trying to remember whether or not I had my period this month, all the while wondering if the one time, the ONE TIME, that I didn't keep track of my monthly cycle, would be the month that I was sperminated.

And here is where it gets sad. Can you believe I had my period last week, and I had just managed to block it out? I swear to you I sat at my desk for 20 minutes trying to figure out whether or not I had actually gotten it. But then I remembered I got it on Martin Luther King Day, and I was actually kinda glad I had gotten it on that day because I usually get all sick and vomit-y, and I was happy to have the day off.
*Deep sigh. It is kinda funny though.


Anonymous said...

You're right. It's one of those awkwardly funny things. Glad you've got your memory back and hope you remembered to mark it down :-)