Thursday, May 7, 2009

Theory of Expansion

So if you read this blog at all, you know that it's pretty much revolves around my finances (or my lack thereof), my (reformed) shopping addiction, and my weight.

Today is no different. I am steadily gaining weight. I am no longer wearing my pants because they are too uncomfortable. I mean, I'm covering my lady parts, don't worry. I'm not pulling a Lindsay, but I'm just wearing lots of dresses and skirts.

Today, I ate:
Breakfast: A cookie and some milk
Lunch: Salad and a brownie
Snack: 3/4 of a ginormous bag of white cheddar popcorn
Dinner: Cheeseburger, fries, hot fudge sundae from McDonald's
Snack: Chocolate chip cookie
Gross, right? That's totally a fatgirl food diary. And this is just the tip of the Junk in my Trunk food pyramid. Tuesday I ate McDonald's for lunch AND Taco Bell for dinner. :(
So here is my theory:

In addition to the ridiculous stress of this year, because I've reigned in my shopping habits, my eating has spiraled out of control. Straight up, 500 pound man laying in bed with a bag of cheetos in one hand and the phone in the other ordering a pizza, out of control.
Lately when I think about shopping, I try to skidaddle those thoughts right outta my brain. And what are those thoughts replaced with? Thoughts about delicious, high-calorie food, duh. Smart Cookie is not craving any fruits or vegetables, that's for sure.
I'm not fat, but I'm definitely the heaviest I've been in a long time.

*Deep sigh.

I just need some thin-spiration.

J says that we'll start on Monday. We're leaving to the Dominican Republic in 7 weeks, and we don't want to have to buy an extra seat to sit our expanding fat asses.
Anybody want to be my workout buddy?


Christina said...

Aw! Your post makes me sad:( I hope that you feel better soon. And be strong! You can get through this. We all have bad days, weeks, months...etc. It will all be OK.