Sunday, May 3, 2009

J-isms, or "The World According to J"

J: Would you rather have a baby or a million dollars?

SC: I don't know, babe. That's a tricky one. How about you?

J: A million dollars, duh.

SC: You don't want a baby?

J: Do you know how many babies you could buy with a million dollars?

SC: Ugh, I just ate a box of cookies.

J: That's my girl.
SC: Um, maybe it's time we start watching what we eat. We're getting a little heavy (as I gaze at his belly).

J: Why? You know I'm just bloated!
SC: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Hello? Are you even listening to me?

J: (Deep sigh) I just didn't know you'd have so much to say.