Friday, May 8, 2009

In My Shoes

Something else I've noticed. When the numbers on the scale creep up, the amount of shoes in the closet goes up as well.

I first saw these lovelies during Lent. Because I couldn't buy them, and I refuse to waste sales staff's time unless I'm serious, I didn't even bother trying them on. When Lent ended, the $89 price tag was a deterrent. Not because they were too expensive, but rather because with my new frugal-icious state of mind, spending so many smackaroonies for one pair of shoes was unthinkable.

But today, I really, really, really wanted them. Oh! How I seriously considered buying them even with the thought of kissing $89 good-bye. But Jesus loves me. Yes, he does. Because before I left for the mall to circle them endlessly while drooling, I decided to check the website. Surely Dillards would be having some sort of Mother's Day sale, right?

And they were! The shoes were reduced 40%!
Oh, happy day!

And unlike these Gap shoes, which were not very flattering (but might have been if they would've come in half sizes -the size 8 just made my feet look like canoes), these shoes were perfect! Super comfortable, perfect 70's vibe, and a wedge that's not too high, not too low, but just right. The perfect compliment to all my summer dresses. I'd been feeling a little hobbit-ish in my flats.
But no more, my cookies. No more.