Sunday, May 3, 2009

I Love Weddings

I really do. Since J and I got married, weddings always remind us of our special day and how much we love each other.

My baby brother (he's 29, but he'll always be my baby brother) got married yesterday.
His knees were shaking the whole time he recited his vows. The fact that they decided to have the service in Spanish didn't help. He speaks Spanish, but he was so nervous the priest had to repeat several parts for him. It was so cute!

That's why my posts were non-existent last week. Even though I wasn't involved in the planning, smart cookie had to get her pretty on, so I was busy getting my nails done and my eyebrows waxed, buying myself a girdle, and finalizing all of my accessories.
My outfit was spectacular. I got a bunch of compliments on my dress (jcrew!), my purple suede peep toe shoes (Ross! Only $14.99!), and the brooch that I'd fastened to the waist of my dress. Fabulous.
This is a picture of my grandparents and me. It doesn't fully showcase my fabulosity, but what can I tell you? I love them. And I look really cute. And yes, my grandfather hates being photographed, and he makes that face in every single photo.
My brother was on a budget because he was "paying" for this wedding himself. That's in parentheses because my mom paid for all the extras. Like the tents and the flowers and the alcohol and the fans. The reception was held in my grandparents' backyard. And really? Everything turned out beautifully.

We partied the night away. My mother drank so much she was going around grabbing people's faces and telling them how much she loved them.

I drank a little too much as well. J was hammered. Thankfully my grandparents' house is only a 10 minute drive away. Honestly? I'm pretty hungover. I can't wait for it to be 12 so I can order a pizza.
And my baby brother? Right now, he's with his wife. He's a husband! And I know that'll he be a great one. I can't really say he'll be the bestest, though. Because right now? That title belongs to my very own J. :)