Saturday, May 23, 2009

Q & A

Well, um not really. Because there are no questions. Copied from my favorite niece. :)

Seven things I like:

  1. Sunny days. I'm a Miami girl through and through. Give me a cute bikini, a good book, a comfy lounger, a fruity drink, and pool/beach access and I'm a happy, happy girl.
  2. Magazines. Love. Today I got Self and Allure in the mail, and yesterday I treated myself to Us Weekly -the one with Kate Gosselin on the cover -Mom or Monster?
  3. Beauty Treatments. Is there anything better than a good blowout? Um. No. How about a great eyebrow waxing? Or a mani/pedi? I can't help it. I like being pretty.
  4. Diet Coke. Gosh, I'm hooked. Save me from myself.
  5. Cheese. On anything.
  6. Shoes. It's kinda what I'm known for.
  7. Forever 21. It's cheap, it's cute, and I love it. What can I tell you? I'd rather have more things for less than less things for more.

Seven things I did yesterday:

  1. Went to work, where I puttered around aimlessly because I was feeling spastic.
  2. Ate McDonald's for lunch and an entire bag of white cheddar popcorn for dinner.
  3. Suffered through my school's graduation.
  4. Relived the bitterness of Bitchy Mrs. Bitchpants, otherwise known as Mrs. LeDouchetard.
  5. Burned my hair with the blowdryer. I was watching Make Me a Supermodel and got a little distracted. Until I smelled the delicious odor of burnt hair. Yum.
  6. Took a nap.
  7. Balanced my checkbook. Oh, red? When will you be black?
Seven things I wish I could do:
  1. Have a thick skin so things wouldn't bother me so much.
  2. Not take things so personally.
  3. Be happy with myself. I don't hate myself, but it's a work in progress.
  4. Make more money and get out of debt.
  5. Worry less.
  6. Exercise regularly (like I used to).
  7. Fit into my pants.
Seven things I don’t like
  1. Roots. I need to get mine done pronto.
  2. Cleaning. I wish we had a cleaning lady, but I'd rather save the money.
  3. Going to the dentist.
  4. Dog farts. So gross, I know. But Snoopy usually has bad gas.
  5. J's feet. I love him from the ankles up.
  6. People who think that they're the boss of me. Um, no. No.
  7. Seeing my grandfather cry because my Nana is in the hospital. Breaks my heart.