Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Love Affair Rekindled

Because of the douche-y behavior I had to deal with today, I found it necessary to indulge in retail therapy, which was made guilt-free, thanks to a $50 VISA giftcard from one of my munchkins.

If you remember, it's been a while since I've found anything at Forever 21. I'd anticipated their new Love 21 collection, but, eh. It was a little sound and fury-ish.

Anyhoodle, this afternoon I drove my sad-face to the mall without any expectations.

And, cookies? Going to the mall without expectaions is the best. THE BEST. Because when you don't have any expectations, anything you find is a score.
Check out my super cute finds:
This dress must've just been put out when I got to the store because in the 10 minutes it took me to finish walking the store, these dresses disappeared. Anyhoodle, this dress fits my number one summer dress requirement: it's smocked. The navy/white/yellow pattern is bold, but not overwhelming, giving the overall dress a fresh look.

This pattern doesn't photograph as lovely as it looks in person. But it's cute and sassy, and I'm super happy that it now belongs to me.

I also bought a really cute navy/white stripe t-shirt, but I couldn't find a picture of it online.
And, yes. I do feel better.