Sunday, July 26, 2009

Things I'm Hearting....

but don't currently own. Or, um, forsee owning in the near future. :)

How cute are these Gap peep-toe flats? Too cute, right? I have a couple of pairs of Gap flats, and let me just say, the Gap's first forray into the shoe world was a mixed bag. Super cute flats, but super uncomfortable. They were like a prison for you toes. It was like they were made of cardboard. But now, they've wised up and put in some super comfy insoles. Plus, since they're peep-toes, they won't hurt your toes. Bonus!
This color is magically delicious. How sad am I that I am now on a budget, and having fully paid off my Gap card cannot buy this skirt with either cash or credit? So. Sad. It's just such a summery color! And even though I don't look good in coral, since the color is on the bottom, it's a perfect compromise!
Oh. My. Word. Do you know that I got in trouble one year for wearing tan courdoroys to work? I got called into the principal's office and everything. Talk about wanting the earth to swallow me whole. Have I mentioned that I'm a goody-goody and hate getting in trouble? Seriously, it took me six months to get over the whole situation. The funny thing is, I'd worn those pants for a month straight the previous year, and I'd never heard a peep.

But these? I love, love, love the color. Perfect spank of color for any outfit. Old Navy, size 6 (I hope I'm still this size). Buy them for me.

If you know me, you know I'm not big on the whole fall/winter deal. I have a pathological aversion to the cold and everything that comes with it -sweaters, turtlenecks (I have a short neck and I always feel like -turtle, turtle!), thick socks, blah, blah, blah.
But I so heart this jacket. Last year I saw a bunch of these jackets. Forever 21, Victoria's Secret Pink, you name it. But for some reason, I'd never bought one. But now they're back! And this one's my favorite!

La, la, la... The end. :)


FB @ said...

That jacket. I want that jacket.

I love the idea of stripes on navy on a collar with a preppy emblem.. :)

Must be the Gossip Girl in me.

Q, La, and Gooner said...

You have a hilarious blog! I could NEVER EVER get away with purple pants. Ever.