Sunday, July 12, 2009

Laying in My Own Filfth

Today I have done nothing but lounge in my bed, watching a Law & Order SVU marathon and surfing the internet.

And can I tell you a really gross and disgusting secret?

I haven't even brushed my teeth! Blech! Dirty girl!

I just haven't had the desire to do anything. And I totally should have because not having anything to do causes my mind to wander and dwell on stuff that it shouldn't and therefore heightens my anxiety. Boo! Hiss!

All I need is a couple of cats and piles of newspapers stacked around my bed and I'm one step away from the looney bin.

Deep sigh.

Tomorrow, a shower and then work. If I'm very ambitious, a workout.

But today? Dirty girl it is.


christina said...

i also meant to mention in my email, when i was taking those, i had the worst attention span EVER. i couldnt read a book or watch tv..i dont know what it was. either way, it sucked.

ps. somedays, i do the same thing. it is gross, but whatev.

Chrissy, Jess, & Baby Lena said...

Sometimes I am afraid to comment for fear that you may think that I am either 1. a stalker, 2. Single White Female like, or 3. a liar. Our lives mirror each other so much sometimes, one exception. I DID brush my teeth.

Anonymous said...

hahaha.. you're a girl after my own heart. :) I did the same thing yesterday. I laid on the couch all days watching lifetime movies. (I don't usually even care about them, either.) Finally, teh only reason I got up was because my mom told me to get it together and "blow the stink of me". haha