Friday, July 10, 2009

Feeling Good

SC: Bub, you're driving me CRAZY!

J: Well, that's why you're taking those crazy pills!

Oh, my little love muffin. Just because I'm taking my crazy pills doesn't mean that you should take advantage of any and every opportunity to make me crazy-er.

I started taking my crazy pills on Wednesday. I have to take them with breakfast, and so far the only side effects are some mild drowsiness and a teensy loss of appetite. I say teensy because I feel like the birth-control pills (which I stop taking today, thank God -yesterday I felt like my eggs were trying to kickbox their way out of my ovaries) which I have to take because of my upcoming surgery (to check my fallopian tubes to determine whether or not I have endometriosis and to remove a polyp from my uterine cavity. Don't the words uterine cavity gross you out? I hate saying them) have really increased my appetite.

Anyway. I'm feeling good. Maybe not this good. But pretty good, nontheless.I know that some of it is has to do with just knowing that I'm taking these pills. It makes me feel better because it feels like I'm attempting to do something about my situation. Because according to the doctor, it'll take about 3-4 weeks before I really start feeling better.

And the other part is that this whole craptastic extravaganza has caused me to redirect my focus toward my faith. And that my cookies, that has provided an overwhelming sense of peace and calm.

Like when my aunt turned down the perfect job (7.5 hours = $150/week) and told the people I was interested (which would've helped us out so much and would have ended my search for a part-time job), but then changed her mind and told me she was sorry to be an indian giver and took the job back. I was okay with it. Because I know that God is going to take care of me. I'm not saying that I don't have to do my part. But it is, what it is. And right now? I'm feeling good about it.

So let's run with that, shall we?


Andie said...

If you EVER need to talk about the issues with the girly bits- feel free to drop me a line ANYTIME. That is something I know a LOT about.

I'm glad you're feeling good! you deserve it. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh goodie, don't ya just love the way the whole female systtem works. haha. How long until your surgery? In the meantime, if you need anything give a buzz.