Monday, July 27, 2009

Did You Hear That?

That was the sound of the other shoe dropping.

Remember when I was soooooo happy? Yeah, that must've been a surgery high because that didn't last too long.
Why, you may ask?
Well, let me tell you.
Last week, we noticed that our refrigerator was not refrigerating. We tried everything. Moving the temperature controls, scraping the block of ice that had formed on the back wall of the freezer, pulling the refrigerator from the wall, unplugging it and cleaning out the coils, but nothing. Nada, zero, zip. No refrigeration.

So, duh, we had to call a repairman. At first, I tried to ask around, but apparently, word of mouth was not going to help me find a guy, because NOBODY knew of anyone.
And, I was seriously getting pissed at my little love muffin. BECAUSE HE'S THE BOY! That's his job! Cars, lawn, and appliances. That's all I ask of him. But he was like, "Hmmm, well, it seems colder, um I don't know, maybe I'll find someone" blah, blah, blah. Um, maybe? Hello! Refrigeration is a necessity! We're not Pilgrims anymore.
This whole business reminded me of the time I came hope AND SNOOPY HAD EATEN THE TIP OF HIS TAIL! Yes. THE TIP OF HIS TAIL! I called J all hysterial and bajiggity, and do you know what he said? He said, "Just spray him with the flea spray." WHAT? My dog ate the tip of his tail! We need to take him to the vet! J only took him because I'd told him I would take Snoopy myself. And guess what? Snoopy had fleas so bad, the poor baby had to have his tail amputated. Can you believe my better half? What would've happened if I would've just said, "Oh, he ate the tip of his tail. Let me just spray him."
I love J, but sometimes I just want to bang my head bloody.
Anyhoodle. Back to the refrigerator.
I called someone from the Yellow Pages, and thankfully they were able to come out today.
And $275 smackaroonies later, we have refrigeration.

Yes. $275. Like my friend CG said, "Do you know how many clothes you could've bought at Forever 21?"

No, CG. I didn't. BUT I DO NOW. :(
Crappity, crappola.


AmandaDufau said...

I had no idea you had fridge issues...I know a guy!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, poor little pup! How's he doing? "Spray him"- that's such a guy answer. haha.