Sunday, June 21, 2009

Status Update: Brood-ish

Today I ran into Mrs. LeDouchetard at my place of worship: the mall (I know, I know, one week and I'm already off the wagon -we'll get to that another day). I had just stepped out of Old Navy and was walking toward DSW when I saw my former student, and Mrs. LeDouchetard's son, sitting on a bench. He totally saw me (kids are so funny when they see their teachers out of school -it's like, "Wow! They let you out!") so there was no way I could keep on walking without saying hi. Because, you know that if I would have done that, he'd tell her that I saw him and just walked by, and she'd be pissed at me for that, too, even though she'd rather swallow nails than say hello to me and make me pay for it for the rest of my damn life.

Anyhoodle, I gave Mini-Douche(He's a really a cute kid and his only fault is being related to his devil parents, therefore making him lose his cutie-ness and render him the spawn of those who will not be named) a kiss, and I gave one to Mrs. LeDouchetard as well. She was looking the other way, so she wouldn't have seen me at all (Damn you DSW! You were just a stupid, mindless whim!).

Cookies, I hope that my smile was not HALF as fake as hers. Because if it was, it was blatantly obvious that we hated each others' guts. I made some chit chat, which was the longest damn minute of my life, and then I hightailed it out of there without a look back.

And here is what I'm ashamed to admit. My body had a visceral reaction to seeing this woman. The minute I walked away, my body started shaking and my breathing and heart rate became super accelerated.

And, why? I hate (okay, seriously dislike) this woman, and I don't want her to have this power over me. And I've been thinking about it all day because even if this random scenario wouldn't have affected me emotionally, how the hell would I have not let it affect me physically?

Cookies, body shaking, fast breathing, heart pounding. Totally Fight or Flight Syndrome.

This sounds so lame, but I really want to forgive this woman, build a bridge and get over it. But how? How, cookies? How?

So I'm a Christian right? Total member of the Jesus club (Yeah, yeah. That whole forgiveness thing is still a bitch even as a believer). But lately, I've been wanting answers, and even though I know I should be praying for answers, I don't want to have to wait, and I want to HEAR answers. Now.


I want to see a psychic. No. Actually, I'm planning to see a psychic on Wednesday.

But it's totally against my faith because, duh -Christianity is based on trusting God not humans.
So I'm torn. Totally torn. And I don't know what the poop to do.

And get this. You know how I said I want to HEAR answers? After I made plans to see the psychic, THE NEXT DAY, the message on the daily inspirational thoughts calendar was.... are you ready for it?

If you are seeking answers, do not turn to the internet, or the latest
trends or technology, ask God, and he will give you the answers.

FML, right?

Deep sigh.

Hence the status update. I'm feeling broody.

Feel free to weigh in.


Andie said...

wow! talk about getting your sign!

I hope you don't mind me stopping by your blog- I found you through lesli.

Since you have great fashion sense- I'm curious if I could get your opinion on something I am planning on wearing to a wedding over at my blog!