Monday, June 15, 2009

Clothes Call

Since J is out of town, I made plans with my work BFF, S, to go to the Melting Pot for dinner, because usually when J is out of town I hardly eat anything (yeah, screw you, scale -let's watch the numbers go down, motherclucker!), while he eats out for every single meal, and by the time he comes home, I'm starving for restaurant food and sick of turkey sandwiches, and he just wants to eat a home-cooked meal.

Anyhoodle, Monday night is ladies' night (for the month of June -things change in July so call your local MP for details) at the Melting Pot. You can get the cheese, the chocolate, and a drink (alcoholic -woohoo!) for $20/person. Can we say, "Hello, fat pants?" Plus, S had a giftcard with $17 smackaroonies left on it, so with tip and all, we only paid $17.50 each, and it was DE-LI-Cious. Totally worth it.

I wasn't really sure what to wear, so I wore what I thought S would wear -jeans, a cute top, and flats. Mind you, I had completely forgotten my vow to make it a pants-less summer. I mean, I don't think I ever expressed my pants-less intentions in so many words, but, as I was writing this, I had an epiphany, and I realized that even though I never vocalized it, a pants-less summer is what I've aspired to.

I'll be honest. Today, I was feeling a little not so pretty (okay, ALOT not so pretty). I feel like I get a quota of pretty days every week, and I'd definitely reached my limit. My hair was a little, eh. I usually wash it every other day, and usually not at all Thursday - Saturday (I know, I know, I'm so dirty), but I've washed and blowdried my hair for the last three days.

So not only am I feeling like I got beat with the ugly stick, but I'm wearing a very cute, but a very un-Smart Cookie-ish outfit. And what is S wearing, pray tell? S is looking adorable in a maxi dress. And I fell all out of sorts because I should have been wearing a dress, too! I've only got a zillion. And at least five (OMW -don't judge me) that I haven't even worn yet! Not only that, but I didn't really accessorize because I didn't think S would, but she was wearing the hoop earrings and the sparkly bangles, and I. WAS. NOT.

Boo. Hiss.

I hate when that happens. And it happens all the time! Because you know what? Instead of dressing however the heck I want -which let's face it cookies, is in a dress and all shiny-ed out, I overthink it. And overthinking it never makes me happy. Ever.

Because when I dress like myself, I always feel good. Like yesterday. My girlfriends and I went to visit Mr. Moneybags at the Canyon Ranch Hotel in Miami Beach. He actually lives there, and the place is unbelievable.

Anyhoodle, I asked Mr. Moneybags what would be appropriate attire, and he said to wear "resort" wear (yeah, not that it matters, but for the record -he's gay). So I wore a dress. And I was happy. Even though my girlfriends were wearing shorts and t-shirts. Why? Because I wore what I wanted.

When will I learn to do that all the time?


Andie said...

I used to do the same thing all the time. now i just wear what I want 99.99% of the time. I'm a big time dress person- especially during the summer!

AmandaDufau said...

Glad you had fun at MP!
You looked completely adorable, and totally fit in; I, however, have no "resort" wear, and therefore felt completely inappropriate!