Friday, June 19, 2009

Shoes? Yes, Please!

Last week, I mentioned that I was going to reinstate the shopping ban*, with the one exception of these shoes:

But these shoes were $99.95. So, um -no. Because although I'm not averse to spending $100 on a pair of shoes (not that I have a closet full of $100 shoes or anything) I am not going to throw away $100 on a pair of shoes that although I seriously love, I have no idea how to incorporate into my daily wardrobe.
Plus, although I loved them in gold, they were a little, how do I say? Cha Cha Digregorio-ish.

So even though I went to the mall on Tuesday in order to purchase them with my 20% Macys discount card, I just couldn't.

But today? Oh. Happy. Day. I went to Macy's to return a top I had bought while delusional (I must've been in a frenzy when I bought it because it was. So. Not. Me.), I sauntered by the shoes and these babies were $69.95!

Shut your mouth and say it isn't so!

So I tried them on in gold (I know, right? I'm so frickin' persistent. Like a dog with a bone.) and in black**. And surprisingly enough, I fell in love with the black ones. Ooooooh. They is so pretty!

And I was able to use my discount card so I actually saved $43.
*I would've broken the shopping ban on Tuesday because I found a super cute bikini (I know, I know -like a hole in the head) for $16.99 but it didn't fit me. And some super cute Michael Kors wedges, but since I had planned on buying the aforementioned shoes, ixnay.
And today, I would've bought a buttload of crap but nothing fit and Jesus said, "No, you don't need it." And I listened.
**I don't have many pairs of black shoes. I have two pairs of black pumps, one pair of black flats (of which I can only find one, the other must be under the bed), and one pair of black sandals. So I was super surprised at how much I loved the black shoes. But they made my calves look FIERCE, cookies. FIERCE.


Chrissy, Jess, & Baby Lena said...

In black.... two thumbs up! ME LIKEY!!

Anonymous said...

Cha Cha? Isn that the chicky from Grease? haha. Well, if your calves looked fierce then that is all that matters. It makes it a purchase worth making. :)

AmandaDufau said...

Darn, so you did go shopping! Should have gone with you.

They are STYLIN'!!

Cara said...

I like the way you are thinking.!! It seems that you got a good deal at Macy's.