Sunday, June 21, 2009

How I Get Babies to Love Me

Yesterday I had brunch with my girlfriends, A, C, and CG. It was super fun. First of all, CG hosted this"Bookless" Book Club brunch at her place, which was a-frickin-dorable, all decorated in shades of blue, with cream and dark brown. Two words, loved it. And the food was delish and so fancy. Come to my house and all you'll get is some cheese cubes, crackers, and grapes. And that's it! If you're lucky.

Anyhoodle, C brought her two sons, C-man and Jordan, who are both too cute for words. But my favorite, probs because he was too little to run away from me screaming, was Jordan. Jordan is the perfect baby, chubby and delicious and BEAUTIFUL. Unfortunately, Jordan suffers from a serious case of MAMA-itis and does not like to be held by strangers.

But I wanted to hold that yumminess, so I lured him to me with my jangly bracelets, very similar to these (which I totally want BTW):
And this was the bestest part (besides holding this little piece of heaven, of course). I will never forget when that little monkey put his hands on my face and rested his forehead against mine.
Oh. My. Word. Get me one of these -STAT!
So now I know the secret. I'm like the baby whisperer. And all it took was a bunch of gypsy bracelets. Go figure.
P.S. I also jiggled that little muffin to sleep, and the few minutes he slept on my chest were priceless. God, I so want one of those.


FB @ said...

At least your method won't give you wrinkles.

I make funny baby faces to make them laugh and giggle, and I smile a lot..

but that jangly thing? Am totally trying that.