Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Odds & Ends

Because there is no cohesive thread to any of these thoughts....

1. Sometimes, it's SO worth it:

School News -Yesterday, I was speaking with a former parent, whose child is now in 4th grade, and sharing what one grandmother, whose granddaughter is now in 3rd grade, told me last year. Do you follow? It's a little bit complicated. Anyway, the grandmother told me she was surprised by how kind and loving I was because when I had my last class I always looked so bitter and miserable. This is not entirely untrue (the bitter and miserable part) because that class was, kindly put, "a challenge". Anyway, this mother was shocked when I told her and told me that I was the best teacher her daughter had ever had. It was so unexpected and so lovely to hear in light of the difficulties that I have been having with Mr. & Mrs. LeDouchetard, the parents of a child in my class, who have, no joke, seemingly made it their mission to subtly stick it to me and blame me for their child's difficulties, that it made it worth it. It reminded me that whether or not I remain a teacher, some parents get it. Some parents get me. And some parents are grateful.
Working Out -Yesterday as I was coming out of the gym restroom, a fellow spinner, who I secretly made fun of in my head because of her questionable choice of workout wear, asked me how much weight I had lost and told me how great I looked. Even though it made ME feel like a douche, because I laughed at her in my big, superior spinning brain, it was really sweet and thoughtful and kindly said. It made me feel good to know that someone had noticed. Besides J who only notices when he is lamenting my small boobies.

2. Possibilities:

Job-o-rama -Tomorrow I am doing a drive-by or a ride-a-long, if you will, with my friend who's a pharmaceutical rep. It's not an interview or anything remotely close to a job, but I'm looking forward to entertaining the maybe possiblity of a career change. Plus, free breakfast and lunch. Count me in! I am super excited because I get to wear my beautiful new outfit. It's a black Audrey Hepburn-esque dress with delicious patent heels and my mom's vintage Gucci bag. It screams RICH BITCH! It screams YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL! I love it when my outfits scream random thoughts. LOL.

Back to School -Maybe! On December 31st, I'm going to FIU to see about beginning graduate school. I am nervous and all kinds of excited about the possibility. I only hope because I will be one of the last to register, as a result of my non-degree seeking student status, that there will still be courses available to fit my schedule.

3. Blind as a Bat -Today, my left eye contact was bothering me something fierce. No matter how many times I took it out and cleaned it, it still hurt like a mother and was giving me a headache. S suggested that it might be torn, and the next time I took it out, I realized that it had a small tear in it. I threw it out and spent the rest of the afternoon covering my left eye to alleviate the mind-numbing dizziness. Ugh. So, first thing when I got home, I put on my spectacles. I finded and finded for my contact. I was sure I had an extra one! But to my horror! I'm out of contacts! So tomorrow when I do my drive-by I will be a one-eyed pirate. :( Why don't you wear your spectacles you may ask? Because! Whitey chewed 'em a lil' bit and they do not scream RICH BITCH or I AM SUCCESSFUL! So tomorrow, I will be suffering a petite peu.

4. Luleh -These are AWESOME bras that you can buy at Macys. I heart their bras something serious. Really pretty and feminine, not cheap or trashy looking. Sometimes you can buy super expensive bras, like $50 (that's expensive pour moi) and they look a little cheap or they are not comfy. Not these bras! They are really lovely and comfy and totally worth the price. They're normally $36, I know, I know, that's not super inexpensive either, but if you can get them on sale or with discounts, they're only about $24. Totally worth it.

5. Parties -I am hosting two mini-parties at my house this holiday season. One is for my girls. My cousins and I get together every year and have buckets of fun. And the second is for the elementary teachers at my school. The parties are totally going to be low-key, nothing fancy, but I really feel that the house looks beautiful and I'm happy to share it with the people I care so much about it.

6. Dreams -I haven't been sleeping well at all this week, and I am super duper exhausted. Yesterday during my planning period, I locked my classroom doors and lay down for 20 minutes on the floor. No joke. Last night I slept horribly. I dreamt that I brought like a five pound bag of pot to work! WTF? But I didn't think it was a big deal. I was in the gym with some of my coworkers when the principal came in and said the dogs were here. The dogs? You mean the drug sniffing dogs? Oh for shiz. I flipped out and my sleep was most certainly not restful.

7. Christmas -I realize that I love Christmas, I just don't like the expectation of Christmas day. I'm really enjoying decorating and shopping for my peeps. I don't know what I'm going to get J. I think that I am going to get him some presents and then just give him a little cash. I know. That's SO tacky. But since I can't get him a TV, I really think it's what he'd prefer. Oh well.