Saturday, November 1, 2008


This month, I am going to challenge the notion of making resolutions in January by beginning my resolutions two months earlier. I’m not waiting until January -I’m starting TODAY! That’s right! I’m a rebel, a friggin’ maverick, if you will. January is for pussies. If you want to go hardcore, start NOW!

Goodness, I sound a bit nutty, no? Whew! Let me take a deep breath and explain. The only reason I’m starting today is because I’m tired of procrastinating. Because the truth is, there’s always another tomorrow. But I don’t want to put my health, my fiances, or my dreams, on hold any longer.

Screw tomorrow, we’re going carpe diem, baby!

Here are my Novemberlutions:

1. This month, I’m going to participate in the SELF challenge. If you don’t read Self magazine, or if you’re trying to save your pennies by cutting out magazines as a frivolous expense (I am so guilty of this), you can go to and get recipes and exercise routines for FREE. That’s right, F-R-E-E! Plus, if you become a member of the challenge, you can choose your goal and get the tools to help you reach that goal. Want to lose the baby weight? Want to become stronger? Want to lose 8 pounds this month? Sign up, and go all Nike and Just Do IT!

So, I’m committing myself to working out for an hour at least 3x/week and strength training 2x/week. In fact, in order to really stick with it, I’ve decided to post my weight as of this morning. Ugh, are you ready? It's 138.5. I cannot believe I just posted that.

2. Because of recent events, J and I have been struggling a soupcon financially. It’s gotten so bad that I no longer keep track of our expenditures. I’ve been avoiding it, but I'm going to start using it today. I am going to take control.

2.a. As an addendum to this, NO NEW CLOTHES. I have tons of clothes in my closet, some stuff with the tags still on them. I don’t NEED anything else. Plus, if I’m honest with myself, I suffer from adult-onset shopaholism. Okay, so I made that up. But today is the beginning of my 30 day program.

3. But not all my goals are practical.

My biggest dream, wish, hope is to write and publish a novel.

And, I’m in luck. This month is National Novel Writing Month, an annual event sponsored by the Office of Letters and Light, a nonprofit in Oakland, California that challenges participants to write a 50,000 word novel between November 1st and November 30th. Last year over 100,000 people participated. You can sign up and
So, that’s me. I’m putting it out there. I’m sharing it with you. I’m giving it to God.

Want to join me? Want to share your dreams with me? Let's do it!