Saturday, November 22, 2008

Novemberlutions, Week Three

Oh my word! Progress this week has been, sucky-sucky. Let's just say, in all areas, I have been bingeing, and not in a good way. Though I guess, bingeing by definition has a negative connotation, no?
HEALTH: I am getting my period this week, and I have been craving cheese like a crackhead. Devil, thy name be nachos. Tonight J and I had Fudruckers -deliciousness. And a friend and I will be meeting for brunch at an authentic French cafe tomorrow for yummy crepes, so even though I'll be exercising tomorrow morning (I've exercised 5x this week, as usual, though not as intensely as I have in previous weeks), the eating healthy is on hold until Monday.
J says that I'm looking thinner, and I feel a little more toned. So even though my weight is 133.5, up 1/2 a pound from the previous week, I sort of feel like it's out of my control. It's the hormones, or hormoneys like the aunt from My Big Fat Greek Wedding would say.
FINANCES: Yikes. That's all I have to say. YIKES.
DREAM: I have to remember I want to WRITE a book. NOT READ BOOKS under the pretense of research.