Friday, March 6, 2009


A couple of weeks ago, J and I went to Benihana. As we were walking to the restaurant, we passed the Actor's Playhouse, which was advertising their production of Les Miserables. I was immediately intrigued.

I love, love, love the theater. But because I'm so poor, I can't afford the ticket prices, and therefore, can never go (unless you count all the plays/musicals I've seen with my class, but I obviously don't). I mean, we're talking $150 bucks a pop at some places. But because this is a small theater, I was hopeful.

Later that night, I looked up the ticket prices online -and oh, happy day! The tickets were only $45 smackaroonies. We could've been sitting in the front row, but by the time I got J to double check that he was NOT working that Saturday, we were only able to get tickets in the sixteenth row.

Luckily, I booked the matinee performance of Les Mis. J has a hard time staying awake past 8 p.m. when it involves mobile activities, so I figured a matinee would be perfect. We could see the show and then have a late lunch. Leisurely, lovely, and totally J's speed.We've been talking about it FOR DAYS. Um, okay. Let's be honest. I have been talking about it for days.

Anyhoodle. I marked it on my calendar. Les Mis, March 7th.

Imagine my horror when I received an e-mail from Ticketmaster reminding me of the Britney Spears concert, Saturday, March 7th.

Oh, yes, cookies. THE EXACT SAME DAY. For some reason, I was sure the Britney Spears concert was March 14th, but duh. I was obviously wrong.

To be honest, I think J is secretly glad that the concert is the same day. That boy works some crazy hours, and he hasn't said it, but I definitely get the impression he's looking forward to some relaxing without me hovering around.

So. I like to call the day of March 7th -Classy Sassy. Because tomorrow's activities make me both. Holla at your girl.


AmandaDufau said...

Ooh, what fun! you'll be exhausted tomorrow, but it will be so worth it. Have a great day!