Saturday, March 28, 2009

The "Someday" File

One of my favorite bloggers wrote this post (read it, it's totally worth it, and there's no way I can summarize it), which inspired me to write my own.

Here's my list of Someday:

*Travel to Spain, Italy, France, Greece, and Hawaii. J and I are usually too broke to vacation anywhere except New York, where we depend on the generosity of his family (my in-laws should be able to list us a dependents, the week that we spend with them is all-inclusive), or Marco Island, which is only and hour and a half away and where my parents let us stay and feed us for free.

This summer, J and I are taking the plunge and using the money I make during my summer vacation to go on vacation. A real vacation at an all-inclusive resort in Santo Domingo. *Fingers crossed.

Anyhoodle, I hope that someday, we'll be able to travel a bit farther. Of course, by that someday, we would definitely be....

*Financially stable. Lord, I hope so. How awesome would it be not to live paycheck to paycheck? Or to be debt-free? Or, wait for it, to have money in a savings account? Someday.

*Learn to speak Italian. Why? I don't know -I just really want to. The local community college offers courses, and I'd like to take one this summer. I should be brushing up on my French (Voici la plume de ma tante -a gold star if you can tell me what book that's from), but I'm all about ciao, bella.

*Learn to surf. At the ghetto beach on Key Biscayne there are some guys who give surfing lessons. For dinero, of course. This summer I'm totally going to take a class or two.

Because I don't want to live my whole life waiting for someday. And you shouldn't either. :)


FB @ said...

Voici la plume de ma tante is from Confessions of a Shopaholic!! :)

And a To Do list is nice but why don't you start by buying a book on Italian and doing a half hour a day? Why wait? :)