Wednesday, March 25, 2009

But I Don't WANNA Be Sarah Jessica Parker!

Ugh. I must think I'm cuter than I actually am. :( Boo. Hoo.

Let me explain. I work at a Christian school, and some of my coworkers are tres conservative. Emphasis on tres. Anyhoodle, one of my coworkers mentioned that she had watched Failure to Launch over the weekend. She's older, but super naive -which I find completely endearing and charming.

So she's telling me how she really enjoyed watching the movie.
Except, her husband doesn't really enjoy chick movies (Um, whose husband does? Is mine the only one who'd rather have a rectal exam?), and while she was watching the movie, he was busy puttering around the house. When he finally sat down to join her, the scene playing was one in which the characters were discussing S-E-X. And then! And then, she tells me that it never fails. Her husband always decides to sit with her during the questionable parts of a movie.

Cookies, this is a woman in her fifties. A woman of such high moral values that I cannot fathom telling her about my life before the age of 24 for fear I might inadvertently kill her with the tales of my shenanigans. These characters were just TALKING about sex. They weren't even doing it! And she was worried that her husband would think she was some sort of pervert! Child, please.

So about the title of my post. She tells me that the whole time she was watching the movie, she was thinking of me. Because SJP and I look so much alike. So much alike, apparently, that I should enter a celebrity look alike contest. Because I would totally win.

My coworker must've seen the look of horror on my face because then she said, "But she looks really pretty in that movie!"

Hmphf. *Crosses Arms.

And this makes me sad because I think SJP is pretty/ugly (you really never know, sometimes it's good and sometimes it's ugh), and therefore, using my infallible math logic, if SJP is pretty/ugly, and I look like SJP, then I am pretty/ugly.

So sad-face. So, so sad-face.

*To be fair, this is from a scene in the movie and she does look like a cutie in this picture.