Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Plan

NOTE: I started this post last week, hence it magically appearing on your computer today and breaking the rules of the time/space continuum.

J and I decided to start what we like to call, THE PLAN. Seeing as how January was a bust for any kind of resolution keeping, We're starting tomorrow.

Now, I'm not going to start by telling you how much I weigh. I weighed myself this morning, and honestly, if the bathroom wasn't such a germ hole, I would've thrown myself on the floor in the fetal position and wept. I am too ashamed to post it. Oh, the horror. Instead, I'm going to fill you in on my dirty little secret, the real reason I'm gaining instead of losing weight. Really, I should be more ashamed to post this than my weight, but here goes.

Last night, J and I went to Benihana for dinner. Because it's so pricey AND fattening, we only go every couple of months. But we really needed some quiet, lovey time (we sat in a booth, not at a table). So. This is what I ate. I ate my entire meal -soup, salad, vegetables, filet mignon, and fried rice. I ATE ALL OF IT. I LEFT NOTHING. Plus, I had a mango saketini. Yum. I was so full, that dessert was way out of the question.

J had mentioned earlier that we should have hot chocolate and doughnuts for dessert because it was so chilly outside. I was a little less sure and told him that it sounded like a recipe for straight-up diarrhea. Anyway, we were so stuffed after our meal, I told him that if he wanted to go to Publix, I wasn't going to get down and shop while he waited in the car, so we just went home.

But after an hour of watching the Heroes marathon on G4, he got up and said he was going to Publix. He brought me a six-pack of Krispy Kreme, AND I ATE THE WHOLE THING. I know, are you horrified, yet? Are you wondering how I didn't just go into a diabetic coma? Me, too.

So. We are planning to jog 3-4x/week. We'll see how that goes. When you've been inactive as long as we have, it's much easier to remain Fatties McButterpants than actually get your ass in gear.

UPDATE: K, that was last week, and we've actually been doing it. Last week we only jogged Monday and Saturday (I strength-trained Tuesday & Thursday), and this week I jogged on Sunday, and we both jogged on Monday. So it's really kinda working. I'm not as active as I would like to be, but instead of focusing on losing weight, I'm going to focus on toning up. That way I don't have to commit myself to the insane asylum. :)