Sunday, March 8, 2009

Confessions of a Rambling Mind

1. It's been 10 days! 10 DAYS! And I haven't bought any clothes, shoes, or accessories! Yay me! To be honest, it hasn't been too difficult. We've already identified my shopping triggers -sadness, anxiety, and worry (Super ironic -I feel the urge to shop when I'm hysterical about our finances. Crazy, right?). Not being able to buy myself stuff has just forced me to deal with my feelings instead of shopping them away. And like Martha Stewart is so fond of saying, "That's a good thing."

BONUS: I have so many clothes that I'm actually shopping in my closet. Yesterday, I wasn't really sure what to wear to the Britney Spears concert. And, voila! I found a totally, brand-spanking new studded tank-top! Perfect-o-mundo! I'm really looking forward to the next 30 days. Can you believe it?

2. I am on the verge of getting fat. Oh, yes my cookies. It has been a non-stop eating orgy since last Tuesday (cheese fries, nachos, pints of ice cream, fried green beans). And the funny thing about weight is that you can eat like a gordota for two weeks (that's a random number -don't quote me) and not really gain weight. But if you keep eating like that, on the third week, you are going to bust a button because that weight is going to creep up and surpise attack your ass before you can say, "Can I see the dessert menu, please?"

But tomorrow, I'm going to start eating better (because thankfully, I have still been exercising, which I'm sure has slowed the progression of fat).

3. J has a bachelor party on Saturday, and although I will miss him (he may or may not spend the night at the future groom's place because the hockey game/after party is pretty far away), I'm looking foward to a day for me. I'm thinking about going to the beach with a good book. And maybe a wine cooler or two. :)

4. Someone I love very much is going through a very painful break-up. I would just like to say in a public forum, that he was totally Jon Mayer to your Jennifer Anniston. Cute, boyish, and charming, but YOU'RE JENNIFER FRICKING ANNISTON!

5. Gosh. Lately I've been feeling like I could use a drink. I usually don't drink -tons of empty calories. But right now? I could totally drink a mai-tai. Totally.

6. Some of my favorite products:
*Oil of Olay Nourishing Night Cream. It's no secret. I've got awful skin. Two months ago, I started using this before bed. I'm always worried about pissing my skin off. Because then it retaliates and gets its revenge by giving me a monster pimple. But ever since I started using this, my skin is lots better. And let's be honest, I'm not getting any younger. Who knew?
*Johnson & Johnson Melt Away Stress Body Wash. I love this. I use it every night before bed. I'm not going to lie and say I always sleep like a baby. But I haven't had one night of insomnia. And even though one can argue that that can possibly be attributed to other factors, if you know me, and I think you do cookies, you know that if I'm not stressed about one thing, I'm stressed about another thing.

7. This is my new favorite quote:

I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!
-Dr. Seuss
Have a great week, cookies.


Anonymous said...

I love finding something new in my closet. yay for those moments!