Saturday, February 28, 2009

R.I.P., February 19th -February 28th, 2009

You may remember that I set my Macy's card on fire when I bought this lovely bracelet last week. It was so beautiful! I would take it out of the box and wear it around the house.

Today, I had some errands to run. I got myself all prettied up, and I decided to wear my bracelet. Why only wear it on special occasions? It cost more than any other piece of costume jewelry I'd ever owned, and I thought I should wear it whenever possible.

And I lost it. :( I am so sad. There are no words. And even though I'm pretty sure I lost it at Target, I have no idea where in Target I lost it. I may have lost it while I was testing out a hula hoop (please don't judge me, it was $7.99, but I did not buy it), or while I was choosing sunscreen, or while I was looking for the cheapest alarm clock.

And really? It was so beautiful, I seriously doubt someone would return it. The flowers came together to form a heart on the inside of the bracelet, and the heart held together magnetically. No hook and clasp.

So. R.I.P. I barely knew you, but I loved you truly.


FB @ said...

Oh that sucks :(... I'm so sorry!

AmandaDufau said...

oh no!!!
does your CC have some sort of insurance thing where you don't have to pay for it? like Amex does?