Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I have been in a mood. In a snit. With my panties in a knot. With my obnoxiously underwhelming life that has become suffocatingly overwhelming, and which has, the past few days, felt like a maltov cocktail of wicked PMS piled high with a steaming load of crap, topped off with a gazillion tiny hurts.

It has been everything, really. But my job, mainly.

This is one of my favorite commercials. Because it is complete and utter bullshit. Oh, pardonnez my francais. Let me clarify. It would be bullshit if it were my class. Instead of students happily working together, fully engaged in a fun and educational class project, my students would be asking me the same question a gazillion times, fighting over who got to do what, tattle-taling, dropping stuff on the floor, mismeasuring, and most definitely, sneezing, coughing, and picking their noses. Oh, hell yes! WELCOME TO MY WORLD!

Enjoy the illusion, and just know that I am working in a parallel universe, where this is like a dream. Elusive and unreal.

Oh, I almost forgot. The epiphany. I need to get over this dramz, but quick. This is not the life I ordered. I'm sending this steaming stew of poop back and taking control of my life again. I'm tired of letting dumbasses dictate the way shit is going to go down. They don't know me. And let me tell you. This bitch is back. So watch it*.
*K, I am normally not so angry, but I think it's good to take control and assert myself. And I like to do that with strong language and profanity. Sue me.


Anonymous said...

Wishing you much better days ahead. Way to take control, girl! :-)