Monday, February 16, 2009

Dear Mr. President(s),

Just a quick note to thank you for the day off! And to show you my true, undying gratitude, I'd like to share with you what a productive day it was!

*I went to Marshall's this morning. I was looking for house stuff. I have a book club meeting this Wednesday (our first one!), and I wanted to buy some odds and ends. Whenever I have people over, I always start fretting about my petit chez and whether people will like it or not. The inside is bright. Kinda like a crayola box.

I also worry about all the silly things no one ever really notices, but after writing this, I guess people will. I study the walls that are smeared with dirt (no babies, just puppies) and the baseboards that are so grimy. I start wishing for granite counters and hardwood floors and carpets and curtains and french doors. None of which they sell at Marshall's. I mean, they sell carpets, but not any of the other stuff.

Anyhoodle, I bought two pillows, an organizer for our mail, some hand towels, a picture wall covering, some jars for the bathroom (to hold cotton balls, floss picks, and q-tips), and some other random stuff that was somehow incredibly necessary at the time.

*I went to Forever 21 and bought this green t-shirt -$4.80! Friday is field day, and our class color is green. I had some left over iron-on letters from the time I was sure I was pregnant and made my family onesies (this was three years ago so it's not SO SAD), and I made this! Voila! Super easy, super cheap, super fun.

*I went to the Gymboree outlet and bought presents for J's goddaughter in Buffalo, and I stopped at Pac-Sun to buy a giftcard for our nephew.

*THEN, I went to Publix. I bought some food for the aforementioned bookclub. Nothing fancy. Just the ingredients for the tomato pie, some carrots and hummus, grapes and cheese, and some other odds and ends.

*I got home and put everything away.

*I cleaned the kitchen.

*I took a nap. Well, jeez! I'd already done a bunch!

*I went spinning! Oh, yes! I've been thinking of cancelling my gym membership. I haven't been to the gym in about six weeks. Since December 31st to be exact. And anyway, J and I had started The Plan. Why would I need a gym membership? But that's turned out exactly as I had feared it would. With me asking J if we're going running today, and with J sprawled on the bed telling me he's too tired. So. Needless to say I'm glad I didn't cancel it. And the spinning class? Totally kicked my ass. Totally.

*I made J a delicious dinner. Steak and caesar salad.

As you can see, I didn't fritter the day away. I think you'd agree that I used it wisely. So thank you Mr. President(s). Thank you.


Smart Cookie


Chrissy, Jess, & Baby Lena said...

Seriously, sometimes you take thoughts STRAIGHT out of my brain. Right down to the baseboards.

Anonymous said...

Very productive, indeed. Love the shirt you made- that's so cute. Did you say tomato pie? What is that? Do you have a recipe for it?