Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Too tired to write my own thoughts -I've got a great one about Lent, but tomorrow cookies, tomorrow, I thought I'd redirect you to this little gem.

My friend Claudia just wrote the most HILARIOUS blog entry about getting a haircut -which looks fricking awesome, by the way! Totally Team C. I'm SO jealous! My hair would look like this if I ever cut it short:-Sally Field, not Julia Roberts (wasn't J.R. so cute back then? my word! she's gotten so douche-y ever since she stole that poor woman's husband). My hair is frizzy and poufy, and goodness I would look like a mushroom. Very unattractive.

Anyhoodle, it's so funny, I wish I would've written it. Minus the, um, haircutting part, which I guess defeats the purpose. It's genius, and if I ever write a book, fiction or memoir-esque, I am definitely including it.


Anonymous said...

I love that movie, though I rarely admit it in public. "It's blush and bashful." yeah, I'm a nerd