I lurve being a winner! Especially when I didn't even know I was nominated! Angela Darling gave me this! How sweet is that?
Thank you! You like me! You really, really like me!
So, thanks!
I lurve being a winner! Especially when I didn't even know I was nominated! Angela Darling gave me this! How sweet is that?
Thank you! You like me! You really, really like me!
So, thanks!
Posted by Claudi at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: awards
You may remember that I set my Macy's card on fire when I bought this lovely bracelet last week. It was so beautiful! I would take it out of the box and wear it around the house.
Today, I had some errands to run. I got myself all prettied up, and I decided to wear my bracelet. Why only wear it on special occasions? It cost more than any other piece of costume jewelry I'd ever owned, and I thought I should wear it whenever possible.
And I lost it. :( I am so sad. There are no words. And even though I'm pretty sure I lost it at Target, I have no idea where in Target I lost it. I may have lost it while I was testing out a hula hoop (please don't judge me, it was $7.99, but I did not buy it), or while I was choosing sunscreen, or while I was looking for the cheapest alarm clock.
And really? It was so beautiful, I seriously doubt someone would return it. The flowers came together to form a heart on the inside of the bracelet, and the heart held together magnetically. No hook and clasp.
So. R.I.P. I barely knew you, but I loved you truly.
Posted by Claudi at 10:06 AM 2 comments
Oh, lordy. Word on the street is that Lent began yesterday. You know, the whole 40 days/40 nights of sacrificing something -hey, Jesus sacrificed food for 40 effing days (Gosh, I would've been homicidal, using my god powers for all sorts of crazy shizz), giving up one thing should be no big, right?
Anyhoodle, since I've become a Christian, which is pretty much Catholicism without the ritual and about none of the guilt, focusing more on a personal relationship with the big G.O.D., I don't really keep up with Catholic rites of my youth.
But I really love the idea of Lent.
So yesterday at the gym, a fellow gym-goer was bemoaning, quite loudly I might add, the fact that she had given up sweets for Lent. She regaled me with tales of eating six doughnuts in five minutes (like I would be impressed, *rolls eyes) and J is giving up ice cream. Which, I reminded him, he doesn't even eat every day, but he told me he'd been having a craving for it. And then he asked me to stop at Publix and buy him a pint. And although I totally get bingeing before starting the cleanse, um, no.
So I thinked and I thinked and I thinked. What could I possibly give up? What do I LOVE to do that I could consider a sacrifice? Hmmmm.
I don't know about you, but I was stumped.
Um, well, not really. Obviously. I know what I love more than anything. What would really hurt me (but would definitely help my bank balance and my closet). I have to do it, cookies. I am giving up shopping for Lent.
I've tried to give it up about three times in the past, and I've only experienced success once. But for God? For Lent? I'm really going to give it a go.
But I couldn't give it up without one last binge. I mean, I had no idea Lent was starting. I had no time to prepare! It's like not studying and having a test. It's like, not being able to wear your most perfect-est dress because you didn't shave your legs. Or like going on a diet before cramming yourself full of delicious gazillion calorie treats. Or going to rehab before one last eight ball (or something like that. everything I know about drugs I've learned from Intervention or Celebrity Rehab or Lindsay Lohan updates on Perezhilton.com)Or like deciding to take a hiatus from shopping without buying yourself one last little something. Ahem. *coughs.
I could NOT start Lent cold turkey. I would NOT start Lent without some planning.
So I bought myself this:Posted by Claudi at 7:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: shopping
Too tired to write my own thoughts -I've got a great one about Lent, but tomorrow cookies, tomorrow, I thought I'd redirect you to this little gem.
My friend Claudia just wrote the most HILARIOUS blog entry about getting a haircut -which looks fricking awesome, by the way! Totally Team C. I'm SO jealous! My hair would look like this if I ever cut it short:-Sally Field, not Julia Roberts (wasn't J.R. so cute back then? my word! she's gotten so douche-y ever since she stole that poor woman's husband). My hair is frizzy and poufy, and goodness I would look like a mushroom. Very unattractive.
Anyhoodle, it's so funny, I wish I would've written it. Minus the, um, haircutting part, which I guess defeats the purpose. It's genius, and if I ever write a book, fiction or memoir-esque, I am definitely including it.
Posted by Claudi at 6:04 PM 1 comments
Labels: funny, hair, old friends
Hot damn! I'm removing all my posts (at least the most recent, most blatantly obvious) about the LeDouchetards. I've got some incriminating smack, and even though I write under a pseudonym, I don't want this shizz to come back and bite me on my heiny.
So if you read it, good. And if you didn't, no big. Happier times are ahead, my friends. Happier times. :)
Posted by Claudi at 7:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: school
and buying myself things is the only thing that makes me happy (besides Joe, but I can't carry him like a handbag or wear him like a pair of earrings).
Posted by Claudi at 3:12 PM 4 comments
Posted by Claudi at 6:28 PM 2 comments
Labels: bookclub, facebook, old friends
A la Confessions of a Shopaholic (the novel, not the movie), shopping is like planting crops. You need to operate on a crop cycle, so to speak. You can't always buy shoes. Or bags. Or makeup. You need to rotate. Diversify.
Right now, I am on a MAJOR jewelry kick.
Perhaps it's because my baby brother is getting married in May, and I am wearing this beautiful J.Crew dress and every waking moment is dedicated to finding accessories to completing my look. There's nothing that this Smart Cookie loves more than getting dressed up. And getting dressed up and being seen by friends and family in a picture-taking capacity? Um, my favorite!
It fits really well, but I still have to have the bust taken in about an inch to accomodate my heaving bosoms (insert sarcasm here). It ain't easy carrying these A cups.
Anyhoodle, last week J and I went to Lincoln Road to celebrate Valentine's Day. And of course, because it was Valentine's, J let me go into EVERY single store I wanted and did not moan or groan. At least not out loud. That I know of.
I spent about half an hour in Anthropologie, oohing and ahhing over everything. Goodness, I could LIVE in that store. Picking up items (it's Valentine's Day, why not?) and putting them back (we're in a recession, dummy). But I had to leave with something. So I bought a lovely necklace. It was on sale, but it wasn't cheap. At least not Forever 21 cheap, which is my favorite kind of cheap.
Since then, I have been trolling the anthropologie website and lusting over these necklaces. They're absolutely beautiful and sophisticated, and they definitely make a statement. Bonus, they are not ridiculously expensive. I don't usually wear fashion jewelry -I have a ton thanks to Forever 21, but I hate taking off my earrings or diamond cross. So unless it's a special occasion where I'm going to see and be seen, I don't utilize all my fun pieces nearly often enough. Because of the specialness of the occasion, I want something a little fancier.
I'm really loving this one, and I totally think it's the front-runner. I especially love how it will contrast with the lemony-lime of the dress.
This one is just a bunch of pinky deliciousness.
Posted by Claudi at 7:24 AM 1 comments
Labels: anthropology, jewelry, shopping
K, just another 20 hours to go.
Posted by Claudi at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Just a quick note to thank you for the day off! And to show you my true, undying gratitude, I'd like to share with you what a productive day it was!
*I went to Marshall's this morning. I was looking for house stuff. I have a book club meeting this Wednesday (our first one!), and I wanted to buy some odds and ends. Whenever I have people over, I always start fretting about my petit chez and whether people will like it or not. The inside is bright. Kinda like a crayola box.
I also worry about all the silly things no one ever really notices, but after writing this, I guess people will. I study the walls that are smeared with dirt (no babies, just puppies) and the baseboards that are so grimy. I start wishing for granite counters and hardwood floors and carpets and curtains and french doors. None of which they sell at Marshall's. I mean, they sell carpets, but not any of the other stuff.
Anyhoodle, I bought two pillows, an organizer for our mail, some hand towels, a picture wall covering, some jars for the bathroom (to hold cotton balls, floss picks, and q-tips), and some other random stuff that was somehow incredibly necessary at the time.
*I went to Forever 21 and bought this green t-shirt -$4.80! Friday is field day, and our class color is green. I had some left over iron-on letters from the time I was sure I was pregnant and made my family onesies (this was three years ago so it's not SO SAD), and I made this! Voila! Super easy, super cheap, super fun.
*I went to the Gymboree outlet and bought presents for J's goddaughter in Buffalo, and I stopped at Pac-Sun to buy a giftcard for our nephew.
*THEN, I went to Publix. I bought some food for the aforementioned bookclub. Nothing fancy. Just the ingredients for the tomato pie, some carrots and hummus, grapes and cheese, and some other odds and ends.
*I got home and put everything away.
*I cleaned the kitchen.
*I took a nap. Well, jeez! I'd already done a bunch!
*I went spinning! Oh, yes! I've been thinking of cancelling my gym membership. I haven't been to the gym in about six weeks. Since December 31st to be exact. And anyway, J and I had started The Plan. Why would I need a gym membership? But that's turned out exactly as I had feared it would. With me asking J if we're going running today, and with J sprawled on the bed telling me he's too tired. So. Needless to say I'm glad I didn't cancel it. And the spinning class? Totally kicked my ass. Totally.
*I made J a delicious dinner. Steak and caesar salad.
As you can see, I didn't fritter the day away. I think you'd agree that I used it wisely. So thank you Mr. President(s). Thank you.
Smart Cookie
Posted by Claudi at 6:08 PM 2 comments
After watching Confessions of a Shopaholic with J (a sweet Valentine's day gift from my beloved, especially considering his aversion to movie theaters, and specifically chick flicks), I've realized that I have a major problem and should perhaps be attending some sort of 12 Step Program. "Hi, my name is Smart Cookie, and I'm a shopaholic. Please help me refrain from purchasing the following:
This Juicy Couture bracelet is so many delicious adjectives, I'm having a hard time limiting my choices. Fresh, vibrant, charming. *Deep sigh. How lovely this would look wrapped around my delicate wrist! But it's -are you ready for it? $98. That might not be so many smackaroonies, but for a piece of costume jewelry? Hmmmm. Not so sure. Maybe if I love my J.Crew dress. This ring is also from the Juicy Couture jewelry line. Goodness, their designers should get a huge raise for designing all these beautiful pieces. Oops. On second thought, in this economy, maybe just getting to keep their jobs would be the bonus. I don't usually wear any rings besides my engagement ring, wedding band, and anniversay ring. So at $98, the cost/wear would not justify the purchase of this ring. But I lurve the coral and the little butterfly! So precious!
Posted by Claudi at 8:08 PM 2 comments
Posted by Claudi at 6:57 PM 0 comments
I have re-fallen in love with J.Crew. I seriously heart their effortlessly super-chicly styled clothes and their beautifully bold colors -the chartreuse is absolutely drool-worthy. Sadly, J.Crew is completely out of my price range. I can only afford it, barely, if it's on sale. Here are some things that I'm currently smitten with:
Ooooh. I love these shiny shoes. But even on sale at $120 they are too pricey . It's not that I wouldn't splurge, but they're not every day shoes. They are sit in my closet and only come out on special occasion shoes.
They're called Claudia. Just like moi (well, you didn't think my real name was Smart Cookie, no?). Coincidence? Or fate? You decide.
This eyelet miniskirt is $98. But I lurve it. And I lurve how it's styled so casually cool. My baby brother is getting married in May, and I ordered both of these dresses this week. Actually, it's the same dress, just in two different colors. But, duh, you can see that. Anyhoodle, I ordered them in two different sizes. I'm hoping that 1) the dress fits and makes me look lovely and 2) that I can actually choose between these two delicious colors.
Posted by Claudi at 6:27 PM 1 comments
Labels: Happy Thoughts, j.crew, shopping
Posted by Claudi at 6:29 PM 1 comments
Last night, J and I went to Benihana for dinner. Because it's so pricey AND fattening, we only go every couple of months. But we really needed some quiet, lovey time (we sat in a booth, not at a table). So. This is what I ate. I ate my entire meal -soup, salad, vegetables, filet mignon, and fried rice. I ATE ALL OF IT. I LEFT NOTHING. Plus, I had a mango saketini. Yum. I was so full, that dessert was way out of the question.
J had mentioned earlier that we should have hot chocolate and doughnuts for dessert because it was so chilly outside. I was a little less sure and told him that it sounded like a recipe for straight-up diarrhea. Anyway, we were so stuffed after our meal, I told him that if he wanted to go to Publix, I wasn't going to get down and shop while he waited in the car, so we just went home.
But after an hour of watching the Heroes marathon on G4, he got up and said he was going to Publix. He brought me a six-pack of Krispy Kreme, AND I ATE THE WHOLE THING. I know, are you horrified, yet? Are you wondering how I didn't just go into a diabetic coma? Me, too.
So. We are planning to jog 3-4x/week. We'll see how that goes. When you've been inactive as long as we have, it's much easier to remain Fatties McButterpants than actually get your ass in gear.
UPDATE: K, that was last week, and we've actually been doing it. Last week we only jogged Monday and Saturday (I strength-trained Tuesday & Thursday), and this week I jogged on Sunday, and we both jogged on Monday. So it's really kinda working. I'm not as active as I would like to be, but instead of focusing on losing weight, I'm going to focus on toning up. That way I don't have to commit myself to the insane asylum. :)
Posted by Claudi at 12:22 PM 0 comments
So. I was planning on bitching and moaning about a buttload of topics. Or maybe just these two.
Like the fact that FPL (Florida Power & Light for those of you not in the know) is threatening to shut off my power if I don't pay them $98 by Monday. This despite the fact that they made me pay them a $500 security deposit in December because we had paid some of our electric bills late. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, well, you didn't always pay them on time. And I'd have to say, yes. I didn't always pay them on the due date. BUT I ALWAYS PAID THEM.
Or the fact that Mr. & Mrs. LeDouchetard had their son evaluated by a psychologist, and guess what? Guess who has ADD just like his teacher said? So. When I met with Mrs. LeDouchetard yesterday (Mr. LeDouchetard, praise baby Jesus, was stuck at home taking care of the vomit-y baby) to discuss the psychologist's evaluation, I was totally expecting her to be all sorry and you were right and I'm sorry for not getting you a card for Christmas because I'm so grateful that you know your business and you're not talking out of your ass. WRONG! This bitch had the nerve, THE NERVE, to talk to me as if she's INFORMING me about crap we've discussed, ad nauseum, for months and months and months. Once a douche, always a douche.
I WAS going to kvetch about all that, but I got the most delicious-est massage today. I feel like jelly. My muscles are all loose-y goose-y. And so. The aforementioned assholes can just suck it.
Posted by Claudi at 4:26 PM 1 comments