Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Despite my overwhelming emotional ugliness, I have begun spring cleaning my petit chez. I'm totally loving cleaning and dusting and straightening my cabinets and drawers. It's been cathartic, and even though I'm far from done, I've made some great progress.

I'm almost done with the kitchen and family room -I still have one cabinet and four drawers (Gosh, that sounds like a lot!) and then I can move on to the other common areas, which thankfully do not have any cabinets or drawers.

To be fair, I've been moving stuff around. Like, um, some of the mess in the family room (which looks fantastic!) was my clothes (I have a messy habit of undressing in the family room -hey, I've gotten fatter, my clothes are very binding), and I just moved them to the living room. Plus, there are two loads of laundry in the living room waiting to be folded (my mother and my mother-in-law would die, DIE, if they came over).

I really feel like a messy space can wreak havoc on your emotional state. And duh, since my emotional state is so precarious to begin with, and my house is most definitely messy, I think it's a dangerous combination.

I'm hoping to do a little bit every day, maybe a room or two so that I don't get overwhelmed. My bathroom is a bacteria infested germ-hole which will definitely take one day. And I'll definitely post pictures of the beauty when I'm done.


Anonymous said...

I love cleaning. It's like a cleansing process for the soul. haha. I feel good when I get rid of the things I'm not really interested in or things that have just been sitting around- this way it makes more room for the things I love.

BTW... I left you something over my way