Thursday, April 2, 2009

Can You Spare Some Change?

Hi! So. If you know me at all, you know that I hate change. Me and change are like carrots and chocolate. We just don't mix. But let me tell you how I really feel about it, right?

One time J came grocery shopping with me and he wanted to start shopping in the produce section instead of the dairy aisle. Um, no. We always start in the dairy aisle. Always. I can't handle change. My brain just doesn't work like that.

Anyhoodle, I put up a major fuss, and to shut me the hell up, we bought our groceries just like God and nature intended -by starting in the dairy aisle.

So when all the elementary teachers were called into an informal meeting with our principal, and she prefaced by saying her decision would only affect S, the third grade teacher, and me, and that she hoped we would accept what she was about to tell us because we really had no choice, I began to panic.

Here's the 411. Because of the low enrollment, the principal has had to make some tough decisions. For shizzle, cookies, the only thought racing through my brain was that they were going to pack my bags and send my ass to high school p -ronto.
But back to the story. The administration has decided to combine second and third grade, and they have decided that S is going to teach this combination class. Oh, yes. But what about moi?

And, I?
I would be moved to fifth grade.

Hmmmm. Let's think about this.

I'm not so bothered. It's a new curriculum, duh. More advanced material, yay! My devil class from two years ago, hmmm. But all in all, I'm kinda excited.

I was feeling really burnt out. Mr. & Mrs. LeDouchetard made my year a misery, and although my class only has seven students, they are always fighting and arguing with each other. More than usual, cookies. More than anyone should have to stand, to be honest.
I was stuck in a rut. I was bored and unchallenged. And if I'm honest, I've been phoning it in for the last few months.

So that's it. I hate change.
But this? I'm really feeling it.

Yay for me!