Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Constant Cravings

It's been an orgy of shopping goodness. Or what the angel perched on my right shoulder likes to call, a complete and total loss of my faculties.

Lately, I've been indulging my shopaholic tendencies under one or the other of the following two principles:

1. Birthday Presents: The plethora of birthday giftcards has been largely exhausted. But you know how dangerous giftcards can be. You mean to buy only enough as your giftcard allows, and in the end, your giftcard only serves as a deposit. Ahem. Guilty.

2. I work like an animal. No, seriously. I do. If you know me, you know that I am doing one of three things. Sleeping. Eating. Working. That's it. So I justify some of my shopping on the fact that I deserve it. For example, on Saturday, while most of you were resting, between Saturday school and tutoring I made $150 extra dollars. Granted, that money is supposed to go to my property taxes that are due at the end of March. But, nonetheless.

So on Sunday, after going to Forever 21 and not finding anything, I figured I was in the clear.


Old Navy, which is usually hit or miss for me (especially since I'm aware everything is going to eventually be marked down to $1 AND I'm super pear-shaped so dresses are a crap shoot), was a goldmine of adorableness. Everything was super fresh and springtastic. Tops and flip-flops in delicious colors. *

Plus, on Monday, thinking that I was Daddy Warbucks, I bought myself a brown leather purse at Dillard's and another yoga DVD**. Um, I haven't even seen the first yoga DVD.

And now, I'm craving these.
These denim leggings are super delish. I've gained beacoup weight, and let's be honest, anything with a button and a waistband that is not made of elastic is torturous. But. I've put myself on a shopping hiatus. I've got to save my dollars for my property taxes. And, again, with all the sleeping, eating, and working, I'm not really going anywhere.

Deep sigh.

But. I do have that Anthropologie giftcard.

*Ironically I put everything on my Gap card because I didn't want to touch my cash. Deep sigh. Two steps forward, one step back.

**To be fair, the second yoga DVD is a fertility, relaxation DVD. And I paid cash for all that.


Andie said...

not to tempt you- but I got an ADORABLE pair of denim leggings from JCPenney for like $15.

Just throwing that out there! they are SUPER comfy, too. I wear them probably at least once or twice a week!

Anonymous said...

I am soooooooo guilty of the giftcard as a deposit! I just did that one Sunday. I keep thinking, Ok I can spend 50.. then i pass it and think, ok.. at least it wasn't $50 dollars of my own money-I only spent 100 of my own money. hehehe