Saturday, February 20, 2010

MIA Updates

Oh. My. Word. I've been gone forever, I know. Talk about being busy! My schedule is bananas. Ba. Na. Nas.

I'm still working my regulary teacher-y job from 8-3:30 ish, which is a breeze because my kids are awesome, except for one who is muchos annoying, but I'll take that compared to the craptastic class I had last year. Anyhoodle, I'm tutoring 3x/week, two weekdays and Saturdays (sometimes on Sunday, depending on my student's schedule), plus my night job (which I need desperately, but gives me diarrhea and sometimes I wish I would get fired), plus going to therapy (my prepregnancy issues made me lose my mind for a good six weeks so it was either therapy or the psych ward) every other week, AND acupuncture (which is AWESOME, totally relaxing and worth every minute) every week. Oh, and I host a Bible study at my house every Thursday. And I almost forgot, Saturday school every week, which I'm at right this very minute.

Exhausted much? Seriously. On Tuesday, my heart was beating so hard and so fast I thought I was going to die. Had to take some xanax to calm my shit down. Skipped therapy the following day and just slept. All my body needed was sleep. I now know why celebrities check themselves into the hospital for exhaustion. They just need a break.

So that's what I've been up to. That and online shopping at Old Navy. Damn, cookies! They've got the cutest stuff!

Here are some things I've bought in the last month.

I just got this brown dress on Thursday. And I love it. I'm not sure if I've mentioned that my weight has reached a serious freak the shizz out high and that I don't even weigh myself anymore because I don't want to drop dead from the terror. So. That's why I love dresses. They hide a multitude of sins.
This romper is A. Dor. Able. I've been looking for a romper FOREVER. Because I don't have the body of a teenage boy, it's been muchos challenging to find one that fit AND looked good. This one does both.

My favorite color is chartreuse. That's just a fancy way of saying lemon-lime ish. I plan on wearing this dress with a belt. And a tan.

I was hesitant to order this dress online. Not really sure how the waist would fit. But I heart it big time. Dying to wear it with my brown heeled boots. A little cliche, I know. But I could totally work it.

The irony, of course, is that I'm so freaking busy that I haven't been able to wear ANY of my new clothes because all I wear are the same two pairs of pants over and over to work (F.U. cold snap!) and sweat pants or p.j.s.
Deep sigh.
Can we say praying for Easter break?