Thursday, October 29, 2009

You Spin Me Right Round, Baby

Oh, sweet, sweet freedom! It has been such a joy to get back to my second grade schedule! My kids are awesome, and I am a happy, happy camper.

Yay for me!

I am so yay for me and so happy to get out of my ninth circle of hell, that I am actually going back to the gym. After weighing myself on Monday and realizing that my weight had crept up to an unacceptable high (hello? I have never been that heavy in my life, mmmkay?), I decided that it was time. Or should I say, my fat ass decided that it was time.

Anyhoodle, I made it to the gym on Monday and again yesterday, and I'm hoping (fingers crossed) to make it on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

I know, I know. Super lofty goals considering my ass hasn't been to the gym in four months. FOUR MONTHS. In fact, I went to a beginner's spinning class yesterday, arrived 15 minutes late, and thought I was going to. Fucking. Die. I am sooooo out of shape. When I think of how I used to go spinning (in the kick your ass class) five times a week, I totally have no idea how I did it.

So. To reiterate, get ready to see my rapidly shrinking lady lumps!


P.S. The only thing I'll miss are my boobies. They're the last to arrive and the first to leave. And for me, they've been frickin ginormous.


Andie said...

I am so glad you are back and blogging again! you sound so relieved!

And I doubt seriously you're that big. ;)

btw- my husband was in your neck of the woods last weekend for the game- he said it's expensive to eat/drink out there! LOL