Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Top Five Ways I Torture Myself

  1. Keeping treats in the house. Rewind to Sunday when I ate half a jar of frosting (in addition to the three donuts that I had already eaten) that I had originally bought to frost a cake I was going to bake with my class the following day, and later to Monday, when I ate almost the other half and had to put dishwashing liquid in the container to avoid eating anymore. I just can't keep treats in the house. I have no self-control. None. Zero. Zip. Zilch.

  2. Stepping on the scale. As a result of the vicious cycle of anxiety, self-loathing, overeating, and inertia that I have experienced in the last three months, I have added six pounds to my already (for me) fatty mcbutterpants weight. On Monday I weighed myself (something that I used to do religiously on a daily basis and have rarely done over the last three months), and I almost. Passed. Out. 141 pounds. I have never weighed so much. Never. Three months of cookies, ice cream, loaded fries, pizza, and bags of M&M's have wreaked havoc on my body. I know that I am not fat. But weight is a very personal thing. And the fact that I am bulging out of my pants is a big flashing sign. Earth to Smart Cookie: It's time for the bingeing to stop and the exercise to start.

  3. Going "window" shopping. I always come home with something. And even though my night job has kept us in the black, and we have not added to our debt, I have more than enough clothes. I mean, just yesterday, I was telling J that I really needed to clean the bathroom, and he said, "Yeah, half your wardrobe is piled in there." And I actually thought about it and said, "Half my wardrobe? Not even close! Do you know how many clothes I have?" Um, obviously too many. Ugh, but I can't help it! I love pretty things! I'm currently obssessed with some booties I saw at Nordstrom and a leather strap Michael Kors watch and these yellow Gap cordoroys! Help me! Save me from myself!

  4. Searching for people from my past on FACEBOOK. It's just bad news bears. Seriously.

  5. Wondering why everyone and their mother has a baby (see ways I torture myself #4). Last week I dreamt that my mother was pregnant, and she didn't know how to tell me because she thought I would be upset. Actually, I'd be happy if someone in my family got pregnant. I could deal with being pregnant by proxy.

Deep sigh. Deep, deep sigh.


Erika said...

I totally agree with your #4 and #5...the more people I find on FB the more I find out are having (or already had), or are on their 2nd, 3rd, babies...and I'm at zero. But then I think to myself, I have already accomplished all that I have set out to do (educationally), so maybe one day (soon!) babies will come along too:-) Keep your chin up!