Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hate On Me, Hater

I know, I know, I have been M.I.A. for the last two months -but, oh how I've missed you! Unfortunately, my internet hasn't been working, and lazy ass that I am, I haven't called AT&T to get it fixed. Oh, yeah, and my day job has been sucking the will to live right out of me. So there's that, too.

Anyhoodle, here's a mini-recap. I'm posting at my night job, so hopefully, more to follow. :)

  • School has been kicking my ass, and I have been riding the crazy train all the way to Just Quit My Fucking Job town. Mrs. LeDouchetard and her cronies have made my life miserable, and my mantra, which started with, "I just have to make it through the year," and later changed to, "I just have to make it through the month," and eventually turned into, "I just have to make it through the day," almost became, "Oh, Lord. Please help me not stick my head in the oven a la Sylvia Plath." We're talking crying almost every day, cursing like a pirate, and just generally hoping to end my misery.
  • Because some parents are assholes. Period. And apparently, it was a witch hunt, and guess who was riding the broom?
  • And those parents just hate my guts, which is odd because I am really a loveable person. Like, especially loveable.
  • So finally, like the Israelites who traveled for 40 years and finally made it to Canaan, I was called to my principal's office and told that they had decided to move me back to second grade. Essentially, being demoted, but who gives a fuck? Because it means an end to the LeDouchetard saga.
  • Yay for me!
  • Joe, one of the only rays of sunshine in this craptastic extravaganza, and I recently celebrated our nine year anniversary. We ususally don't exchange gifts, but in addition to getting me DVR (which has totally changed my life!), he bought me a snuggie, a STAR magazine, and a pound of M&M's (which I ate in a 24 hour time period).
  • Which brings me to my expanding girth, and the fact that I have been eating my feelings for the last few months. Deep sigh.
  • But now that I am going to be a happy camper and not have to suffer the emotional torture of my day job, perhaps I will find the strength and energy to work out.
  • Maybe.

That's really it in a nutshell. I wish I had more exciting stuff to share, but it's the dawn of a new day. So keep your fingers crossed.



Andie said...

so glad to see that you are ok and hanging in there! I was worried about you!

Did you get my email?

AmandaDufau said...

Welcome back!
Oh, I missed you so!