Thursday, December 10, 2009

Everything Is Temporary, Anyway....

Last month, I stopped taking my crazy pills, and the results were muchos no bueno. Like any crazy person, I had been feeling better (and I didn't want to go back to my devil doctor) so I decided to stop taking my pills.

Bad, bad life decision.

I felt completely untethered and irrational. My emotions were all over the place. Happy, sad. Highs, lows. And absolutely nothing in between. My moods were, to quote Forest, "like a box of chocolates". You never knew what you were going to get. That compounded with my baby hysteria resulted in a maltov cocktail of insanity that was brutal. Bru. Tal. I hadn't told anyone that I had stopped taking my meds, and when my mom and J found out, the pieces of the puzzle came together, and they were, what I like to call, not so happy.

I've been back on them for the last two weeks, and I feel better already. This month has been stressful, our finances are tight, and duh, it's Christmas. J and I won't be exchanging gifts because we're poor, and we've just managed to buy everyone else a present, thanks partly to Macy's and Victoria's Secret, and sometimes things seem a little Charlie Brown.

But, everything is temporary.

Here's to keeping calm and carrying on.

Muchos Kissos,
Smart Cookie


Lesli said...

Oh, believe me, I know about anxiety!!